Underground Utilities

Installing Florida's critical utility infrastructure, since 1993

Underground utility installations are where it all began. Over the years we’ve grown to offer turn-key Site Development yet KDL specializes in underground utility installation and repairs. With a strong commitment to enhancing the Florida’s infrastructure, KDL focuses primarily on critical areas such as storm sewer (drainage), sanitary sewer systems, and potable water networks.

With a wealth of experience, KDL has established itself as a trusted partner for municipalities, businesses, and communities across Florida. We are a contractor known for our efficient and reliable management of these essential underground utilities. Whether it’s addressing stormwater runoff, maintaining sanitary sewer integrity, or installing the pipes that bring a safe supply of potable water, KDL stands at the forefront of ensuring Florida’s underground utility infrastructure remains resilient and reliable for years to come.

Storm Sewer (Drainage)


Florida is no stranger to rain and lots of it, where does all that water go? If not properly diverted water will go where it wants to – not where you want it! KDL Underground & Development, Inc. is familiar with the various material and structures required in the flow of storm water. We have spent decades working throughout the State of Florida as an underground utility contractor, and have gained experience you can trust!

Sanitary Sewer


As Mike Rowe would say, it’s a dirty job. We’re willing to do it, and have been for three decades. Installing and repairing everything from Lift Stations, gravity sewer lines and manholes, low-pressure sewer installation, and forcemain pipe.

Sewer gasses cause concrete manholes, lift stations and other underground infrastructure to degrade over time, KDL has experience in the repair and rehabilitation of old sewer systems to assist municipalities and owners in maximizing the usable life of their utilities. Put KDL’s years as a Florida underground utility contractor to work on your next project!

Potable Water


A hallmark of modern living is knowing that when you turn on the tap for a refreshing glass of water or step into the shower water will flow. KDL brings those conveniences to you, from installing extensive potable water networks to connecting individual service lines in communities throughout Florida. In our decades in the business we’ve perfected the art of ensuring a clean and reliable water supply.

KDL has been trusted by various municipalities and private development owners to bring these modern conveniences to life.